I have added a third Patron Book to
DrivethruRPG (link at the right). I have not yet made the files available for
free in my downloads as I have limited access to internet. All my game work goes slow as I have been
without internet at my new apartment for almost two months.
This one is for The Order of St. Asclepius, a traveling
order of healing monks. The first two Patron Books were solid analogizes to the
druid and the cleric, but this is a little different, it presents a divine
caster with better healing spells, but less armor and weapon choices and
stronger restrictions on actions. It is a more “advanced” choice than the first
two or at least a variation to the standard cleric presented in early editions.
My next Patron book will most likely be Vordon, a Primal Patron for
barbarian warriors, a patron that would be a good stand in for Thor and
presents few restrictions but limited spells.
I have also been working on a random dungeon generator using hex-maps. I
am toying with a solo play experience that plays similar to the “Dungeon” board
game with a random map and longer play time. It would also have more “Old
School” elements like henchman and resource management.